The mind is the opposite of money; The less we have, the more satisfied we are. – Voltaire
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Following the previous attempt to confirm if a quote actually was said by voltaire. I decided to translate another money related quote by the french writer.
L’esprit est tout le contraire de l’argent ; moins on en a, plus on est satisfait.
The mind is the opposite of money; The less we have, the more satisfied we are.
Who am i to contradict the great activist and writer, i do like this quote , however i do disagree in a way with Voltaire on this quote.
It is true, that the simple minded see the world simpler, and thus can achieve satisfaction in life much easier. However, is all satisfaction equal ?
Is the satisfaction of a simple peasant, for having 2 milk producing cows similar to the satisfaction of a writer like Voltaire when publishing a book? Is the satisfaction of a gardener getting a prize similar to a noble prize for a scientist?
I don’t know about you dear reader, but i personally prefer the satisfaction from high achievements rather than being satisfied with simple unimportant goals (low hanging fruits).