
Getting the Sheep to Run in Circles is Easy, Getting them to Stop is Hard – Abdallah Alaili

I was writing a post about how freethinkers create rules and the rest of society follow blindly:
The Biggest Problem in Our Societies, Is that the Rules Created By Freethinkers, Are Followed Blindly By Nonthinkers – Abdallah Alaili

I wanted to add a video of sheep being led to run in circle around fire …

And this quote was born:

Getting the Sheep to Run in Circles is Easy, Getting them to Stop is Hard

Of course it’s about society and not actual sheep. For more clarity see this post:
The Biggest Problem in Our Societies, Is that the Rules Created By Freethinkers, Are Followed Blindly By Nonthinkers – Abdallah Alaili

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Abdallah Alaili

I'm a serial entrepreneur (mostly tech) and micro-investor (tiny), this is a blog to learn from other entrepreneurs and spread the wisdom to many more. You can find me on: Instagram - Twitter - Linkedin - more about me