
Plan Your Business Today As If You Will Be Fired Tomorrow – Abdallah Alaili

A lot of employed people have a business in the back of their heads, and are waiting for the right moment to start it. This business idea or plan most often never sees the light. Why? Business require spending money and time, and employees often do not have the time, and do not prioritise spending to establish their business .

Now imagine you are an employee, you are get fired tomorrow, suddenly all the plans in the back of your head become relevant again. But, you no longer have a stable financial revenue, hence launching your business is more difficult. Now, cancel the getting fired part, and start working on what you already planned for after tomorrow.

Plan Your Business Today As If You Will Be Fired Tomorrow – Abdallah Alaili

This statement i made is inspired by Steve Job’s quote:

 If today were the last day of my life, would I wanna do the same thing what I am about to do today? ”
This is a quote from a famous speech Steve Jobs gave at Stanford University. He talks about why it is important to see every day as if it were one’s last day so that we stay focused on the things that matter most.

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Abdallah Alaili

I'm a serial entrepreneur (mostly tech) and micro-investor (tiny), this is a blog to learn from other entrepreneurs and spread the wisdom to many more. You can find me on: Instagram - Twitter - Linkedin - more about me