Entrepreneur Post

If you only look at the tip of your nose, you’ll go blind – Abdallah Alaili

Another day, another inspiration … Many of these statements are the result of interactions with my teenage son. Trying to explain something to teenagers can be difficult, hence these statements help.

This statement can be applied in many circumstances and fields of life.

If you only look at the tip of your nose, you’ll go blind – Abdallah Alaili

Simply put, if you always are looking to short term solutions, you will be in trouble. If you never plan or even think far in the future, you will end up losing a lot of potential.
The same applies for businesses, if they always look at the actual situation and current demand, without looking into the future much, the future will come, and these businesses will be out of business.
To give you an example: Newspapers that ignored the internet, lost market share and many even closed.
When you look far ahead, beyond the tip of your nose, you’ll have the time to plan and slowly adapt to whatever changes the market is going through. When you only look at the tip of your nose, you only notice changes when it is already too late.

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