Job discrimination and universities admission discrimination, caused by rules to enforce fairness, equality of opportunity and social justice.
If you try to apply to any job these days, you would immediately notice multiple questions regarding “gender identification”, “ethnic background” or “race”, “disability status” and “veteran status”. This is to help some people that tick some “social empowerment criteria” boxes to get the job easier. In other words you get 1 in 500 chance to get the job, someone who ticks a box gets a 1 in 100 chance, another who ticks two boxes gets 1 in 50 chance.

I come from a country where the quotas system is the main deciding factor, thus i know a quotas system when i see one. The approach these days of making life easier for some people all while making it much harder for others is called discrimination. It is applied everywhere in schools, universities, jobs etc … Life is unfair, hence this movement is trying to make it fairer for underrepresented groups, all while doing it statistically more difficult the individuals that are not underrepresented.
see example: The EU Forcing a 40% Quota for Women in Companies Managements
I came across this animation video addressing equality, fairness and equality of opportunity. And it explains it way better than me.