Shark Tank Absurd Pitches – By Jimmy Kimmel
If you do not know who Jimmy Kimmel is. He is a popular comedian and host of a talk show. So, Jimmy decided to prank shark tank, not once but twice. He pitched the sharks his genius ideas. Making fun of how absurd the pitches on shark tank are sometimes.
But Kimmel, came up with ideas that would never happen in a thousand years, or at least i hope they don’t.
His first absurd pitch: Pants for horses.
Interesting take away:
– Jimmy making fun of the estimate amount of money the company will make. Something that a lot of serious entrepreneurs exaggerate.
– Identifying a solution for a none existing problem.
– Extrapolating a product growth on a entirely different product and customer base.
His second absurd pitch: Kimmel Laboratories: Kids Kone
Interesting take away:
– Costs $30 sold for $29.99: Many companies sell for a loss to capture market-share, and the pricing is a psychological tactic that actually work.
Hats for fruits. Is actually a nice decorative idea, and can actually turn into a good business.