Entrepreneur Post

Ordinary people can accomplish extraordinary feats, once they’ve routinized the right habits.

This quote is a followup to my previous post: Every professional was once an amateur, and every master started as a beginner.

 I took this quote from a book i am currently reading  “The 5 am Club“by Robin Sharma. In the book the quote was said by the “spellbinder” an old and wise motivational speaker.

To get the full power and extent of this quote, i will quote the entire paragraph where this quote appeared.

Here’s the precious little secret that the titans of industry, the standout performers of artistry and the
ultra-achievers of humanity will never share with you: gargantuan results are much less about your
inherited genetics and far more about your daily habits. And your morning ritual is by far the most
essential one to calibrate. And then automate.
When we see the icons in action, the forceful seduction sold to us by our civilization is to believe
they were always that great. That they were born into their exceptionalism. That they won the fortunate
DNA lottery. That their genius was inherited. Yet the truth is that we are watching them in their full
blazing glory after years of following a process, one that involved ceaseless hours of practice. When
we observe magnificent players in business, sport, science and the arts we are observing the earned
results of a monomaniacal concentration around a single pursuit, astronomical focus on one skill,
intensity of sacrifice applied to one aim, unusual levels of deep preparation and extreme amounts of
solid patience. Remember, every professional was once an amateur, and every master started as a
beginner. Ordinary people can accomplish extraordinary feats, once they’ve routinized the right habits.

5 am Club

Tuning skills and creating the right habit.

In business luck have a big role to play, in addition to many other factors. But in sport and many other fields like academia, science, art, the above section would apply 100%. Success can be achieved by tuning a single skill and adapting habits to boost this skill.

Routinizing a habit, practicing, focusing on a single aim, being patient, sacrificing, and preparing are how you succeed.

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