In the world of business, the people who are most successful are those who are doing what they love – Warren Buffet
I have covered multiple time the subject of passion. I think, it is rare to find a successful entrepreneur that would disagree with the notion of you should be “doing what you love”. Here’s a couple quotes from two of the most successful entrepreneurs this decade.
If you just work on stuff that you like, you don’t have to have a master plan – Mark Zuckerberg
Pursue your passions, the risks are not as great as they seem to be -Jeff Bezos
When there is passion, there is dedication, there is persistence and perseverance. Because whatever the business is, you need to work hard, and you need to persist and persevere when faced with challenges and setbacks. It is way more likely to give up if you are doing something you do not love.
In the world of business, the people who are most successful are those who are doing what they love
– Warren Buffet
Warren was smart to put limitations to the quote:
1st limitation: “in the world in business” term, because maybe in other categories it is not the same. I am pretty sure in academia or research, or sport, loving what you do is not going to make a big difference.
Also, he precised that the people the most successful, as anyone can become successful without having to love the business. And usually these guys once successful they start enjoying life and focusing less on the business they hate/or not necessarily love. However the most successful, try to always improve the already successful business, expand or even launch related businesses.
To finish this post: of course this quote is a generalization, and we can not expect it to apply 100% of the time.